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rtoc RAVEL rtoc
rtoc - Ravel to Cakewalk ASCII translator
rrttoocc [-s scale] [-p poff] <filename>
rrttoocc is a program that translates a subset of the RRaavveell language
into an ASCII file format that is acceptable to the CAKEWALK(c)
sequencer system. CAKEWALK is a good and affordable sequencer
program available from
Twelve Tone Systems
P.O. Box 226
Watertown, MA 02272
Like Ravel, it runs on ibm-pc's and compatibles and uses the
mpu-401. Rtoc and ctor are utilities that allow translation
between a subset of Ravel (actions) and "events" in the CAKEWALK
system. CAKEWALK provides translation utilities called asc2cake
and cake2asc that translate between CAKEWALK's internal binary
format and an external CAKEWALK ASCII event notation. There are
also utilities for translation from CAKEWALK format to other
formats. As a result Ravel + CAKEWALK can work together as a
tool system, each taking advantage of it's own strengths.
The input file is read and is sent to the console; i.e.,
standard output. It may be redirected to a file using a shell
redirect '>'; e.g.,
dos> rtoc input.ma > output.asc
The resulting ".asc" output file may be translated from CAKEWALK
ASCII file format to a ".wrk" file using the ASCII translator
utilities provided with the CAKEWALK sequencer system.
Rtoc will translate only a very strict subset of Ravel
statements; essentially notes, patch, bend, poff, rest, key,
tie, and ccont statements. The expected format is along the
lines of a voicelist
note C q
note D q 100
note E q 120
with only action statements. No programmatic constructs
December 11, 1988 page 1
(if-then-else, etc.) are allowed. This is basically the output
produced by a simulation run in mos. All forms of note
statements are accepted. The nnootteedd keyword is also accepted.
Rtoc is basically a slimmed down version of "mc". Rtoc will
accept note and time constants, but not predefined velocity
values (e.g., forte). It cannot handle constant expressions.
Rtoc will handle any number of voicelists, translating each
into a [TRACK] && [STREAM] event set. Rtoc does not recognize
the old Ravel "." token which used to mean end of voicelist.
This should be replaced with an "end" token.
Rtoc will recognize but not translate action statements
with the following keywords: cparam, dxparam, final, metro,
param, sig.
The [[--ss ssccaallee]] scale switch is used for scaling event
times. CAKEWALK treats a quarter note as 120 events. Ravel
treats it as 24 events. As a result the translator will scale up
(multiply) all events by a factor of 5. The scale switch may be
used to specify a different scaling factor (non-zero). A scaling
factor of 1 would preserve the Ravel units, but of course the
piece would run faster at the same meter.
The [[--pp ppooffff]] switch is optional and will set the pitch
bend offset to whatever non-zero value is given. The pitch bend
offset defaults to 64 if not set. The pitch bend range in MIDI
is a 14 bit unsigned number; in decimal this is 0 to 16383. A
centered wheel has the value 8192.
Ravel uses a "pseudo-op" called the "poff" or pitch bend
offset that is multiplied internally against the value used with
the pitch bend action; e.g.,
bend q 128
is the value for a centered wheel, since 128 * 64 = 8192. Note
that a pitch offset of 1 will leave the units unscaled.
ctor, mc, mos.
Rtoc is a new utility and has not been tested much at this
point. There are undoubtedly some flaws.
December 11, 1988 page 2